Monday, March 21, 2011

And the oscar goes to....

Did anyone see the academy awards? It was probably exciting waiting for a favorite nominated actor or actress to receive an award. Now one more question; of the many people nominated, how many were minorities? People may say that is because minorities have not made any movies worthy of winning an academy awards. Why is that? It is not the Academy Awards’ decision to make movies. Is it that Hollywood just does not like telling the stories of minorities? Anyone who is reading this is thinking about all the minority films they have seen.

Look at a so call back film pick up on this. At the end or throughout the movie is there some white person is saving the lower class poor minorities. Like in the movie dangerous minds. A white teach from the suburb saves the day.It is like a bad cliche that people keep saying. Like a superhero the white hope saves the day. For example  in the movie  avatar  Jake Sully a white male that works as an inside man for the army to destroy the natives land changes his ways and ends up saving the natives. African Americans are almost always depicted either poor, poorly educated, in drone need of help, or doing something illegal.

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